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Avent, Jan and Patterson, Janet and Lu, Angelica and Small, Kelly (2007) The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Scaffolding Treatment in Anomic Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Barron, Christine and Beatty, Phillip and Richman, Melissa and Huang, Jim (2007) The influence of cultural-linguistic background on family and SLP perceptions of pragmatic communication skills following right-hemisphere stroke. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Barrow, Irene and Collins, Jay and Britt, LD (2007) Longitudinal recovery of speeded processing and the effects of an auditory distraction following a mild traumatic brain injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Beeson, Pelagie M. and Rising, Kindle and Kim, Esther and Rapcsak, Steven (2007) A Novel Means to Examine Response to Spelling Treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Blake, Margaret (2007) Contextual bias and inferencing in adults with right hemisphere brain damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bustamante, Sophie and Croteau, Claire (2007) Conversational pauses between persons with aphasia and their spouses. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cameron, Rosalea M. and Croteau, Claire and Tremblay-Beausejour, Justine (2007) Effects of Age, Gender and Education on Semantic Fluency for Living and Artifact Categories. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Capilouto, Gilson and Wright, Heather (2007) Training Information Components to Improve Narrative Discourse Performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Capilouto, Gilson and Wright, Heather (2007) Training Information Components to Improve Narrative Discourse Performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cherney, Leora R. and Lee, Jaime and Babbitt, Edna and Hurwitz, Rosalind (2007) Is More Better? Preliminary Results from a Computer Treatment Study for Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cherney, Leora R. and Small, Steven L. (2007) Intensive Language Therapy for Nonfluent Aphasia With And Without Surgical Implantation of an Investigational Cortical Stimulation Device: Preliminary Language and Imaging Results. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Clark, Heather and Irwin, William (2007) Integrating Service Learning and EBP for Pre-Practicum Students. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Code, Chris (2007) Rare Lexical Speech Automatisms in a Case of Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Damico, Jack and Kardosh, Baha and Lynch, Karen and Farmer, Kara (2007) A Dynamic View of Response to Aphasia: The Emergence of Compensatory Adaptations. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

David, Howard (2007) A new statistical test for trends: establishing the properties of a test for repeated binomial observations on a set of items. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Edmonds, Lisa (2007) Agent and patient priming of related verbs in younger and older adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fossett, Tepanta and McNeil, Malcom (2007) The effect of speaking rate on phonological sequencing errors in non-brain-damaged participants and persons with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fredericks, Geoff and Rubin, Scott (2007) An electrophsyiological investigation into semantic processing in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Goldblum, Glenn (2007) Sales-assistants serving customers with a traumatic brain injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Haley, Katarina (2007) Variability considerations for word intelligibility testing in aphasia and apraxia of speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hallowell, Brooke (2007) What Every Aphasiologist Should Know About Diabetes and its Impacts on Cognition and Language. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hengst, Julie and Duff, Melissa (2007) Conversational narratives and aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hicke, Ellen (2007) Efficiency of Training Volunteers to Converse with Elders with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hickley, Jacqueline and Carr, Thomas and Patterson, Janet (2007) Development of a Functional Assessment Task for Aphasia Using Dual-Task Methodology. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hirsch, Fabiane and Beeson, Pelagie and Holland, Audrey (2007) Evaluating Change in the Communication Abilities of Aphasia Group Participants: An Investigation of Informed Versus Blind Responses on the Communicative Effectiveness Index (CETI). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hirsch, Fabiane and Holland, Audrey and Kaszniak, Al (2007) Maximizing Effective Communication Between Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and their Professional Caregivers in Long-term Care Settings: Implementation of the ORCAS: Strategies for Dementia Program. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hough, Monica (2007) Naming Patterns in Typically Aging Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Howard, David (2007) A new statistical test for trends: establishing the properties of a test for repeated binomial observations on a set of items. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hula, William and Gilbert, Scott and McNeil, Malcom and Sung, Jee Eun and Szuminksy, Neil and Fossett, Tepanta and Matthews, Christine and Doyle, Patrick (2007) Dual-Task Lexical Processing in the Psychological Refractory Period Method: Evidence for Capacity Sharing. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hula, William and McNeil, Malcom (2007) Lexical Frequency Effects in Dual-Task Picture Naming. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Irene, Barrow and Jay, Collins and Britt, LD (2007) Longitudinal recovery of speeded processing and the effects of an auditory distraction following a mild traumatic brain injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Katz, William (2007) Effects of visually augmented kinematic feedback for the treatment of apraxia using word-variable practice: A single-subject experiment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kimbarow, Michael (2007) Principles of Adult Learning Theory: Applications to Aphasia Treatment and Research. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kiran, Swathi and Johnson, Lauren and Abott, Karen and DeLyria, Sarah and Ives, Brook (2007) Typicality within well defined categories in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kohen, Francine and Kalinyak-Fliszar, Michelene and Martin, Nadine (2007) Syntactic Priming Treatment for Severe Agrammatic Aphasia: A Case Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lee, Jiyeon and Milman, Lisa and Thompson, Cynthia (2007) Patterns of morphological breakdown in English agrammatic aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mayer, Jaime and Murray, Laura and Turkstra, Lyn (2007) The nature of working memory deficits in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

McNeil, Malcolm and Fossett, Tepanta and Katz, William and Garst, Diane and Carter, Gregory and Szuminsky, Neil and Doyle, Patrick (2007) Effects of visually augmented kinematic feedback with constant practice for the treatment of apraxia of speech: A single subject experiment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Munoz, Maria and Karow, Colleen (2007) A comparison of treatment outcomes following whole-task and part-task methods for training scripts. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Murray, Laura and Ray, Olga and Kean, Jacob and Mayer, Jaime (2007) Sentence Processing in Aphasia: Dual-Task and Sentence Type Effects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Odekar, Anshula and Hallowell, Brooke and Rose, Robert and Kruse, Hans and Moates, Danny and Lee, Chao-Yang (2007) Eye Movement Measures as Valid Indices for Capturing Priming Effects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Olness, Gloria (2007) Narrative Structure in Aphasia: Impact of Task and Aphasia Severity. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Peristeri, Eleni (2007) Interpretation of intrasentential and intersentential anaphora by ten Greek-speaking Broca’s aphasics. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Pratt, Sheila and McNeil, Malcom and Roxberg, Jillyn and Ortmann, Amanda and Eberwein, Cynthia and Durrant, John and Szuminsky, Neil and Doyle, Patrick (2007) Effects of signal intensity level and noise-simulated hearing loss on auditory language processing persons with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Raymer, Anastasia and Patterson, Janet and Cherney, Leora and Frymark, Tobi and Schooling, Tracy and Mullen, Robert (2007) Quality of Treatment Research Designs: Lessons from a Systematic Review on CILT for Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rodriguez, Amy and Donovan, Neila and Velozo, Craig and Glueckauf, Robert and Blonder, Lee and Ketterson, Timothy and Rothi, Leslie Gonzalez (2007) Measurement Properties of the Functional Outcomes Questionnaire for Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ross, Katherine B. and LaPointe, Leonard L. and Katz, Richard C. (2007) Depression in Right Hemisphere Disorder. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rubin, Scott and Fitzgerald-DeJean, Donna (2007) Environmental symbol recognition across neurologically damaged and non-damaged individuals: Building a case for the Environmental Symbol Recognition Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rubin, Scott and Fitzgerald-DeJean, Donna (2007) Environmental symbol recognition across neurologically damaged and non-damaged individuals: Building a case for the Environmental Symbol Recognition Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sebastian, Rajani and Kiran, Swathi (2007) Effect of typicality of ad hoc categories in lexical access. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sinotte, Michael Page and Coelho, Carl (2007) Profiling language skills, executive function skills and life participation in three individuals with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sophie, Bustamante and Croteau, Claire and Tremblay-Beausejour, Justine (2007) Conversational pauses between persons with aphasia and their spouses. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Stark, Jacqueline (2007) Can we expect a program for improving grammatical skills to have an effect on the phonologic-prosodic and word finding deficits in Broca’s aphasia? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Strom, Kaye and Bousten, Frank and Christman, Sarah (2007) Treatment of acquired apraxia of speech: A qualitative/quantitative review of single-subject studies. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tammy, Hopper (2007) An exploration of hope and aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Thompson, Cynthia K. and Dickey, Michael W. and Cho, Soojin and Lee, Jiyeon and Griffin, Zenzi (2007) Verb Argument Structure Encoding during Verb Naming and Sentence Production in Normal and Agrammatic Aphasic Speakers: An Eyetracking Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Togher, Lee and Tate, Robyn and McDonald, Skye and Perdices, Michael and Schultz, Regina and Smith, Kate and Winders, Keri and Savage, Sharon (2007) The methodological quality of aphasia research: an investigation using the PsycBITE™ database. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tompkins, Connie and Sharp, Victoria and Meigh, Kimberly and Fassbinder, Wiltrud (2007) Coarse Coding and Discourse Comprehension in Adults with Right Hemisphere Brain Damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wright, Heather and Capilouto, Gilson and Hommel, Suzanne and Cycyk, Lauren (2007) Linguistic Performance across Different Narrative Types. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 00:09:01 2025 EDT.